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1. Detailed section AA 

The alder dominated woodland provides habitat for many seabirds, such as the Osprey, which usually feeds on coastal area and breeds and nests in woodland, as well as providing nesting sites for some mammals like Otter. Different flowers from rough grassland produce different nectar for pollinators. Therefore, the designed woodland can enrich biodiversity in the region and reinforce an ecological connection with other landscape. At the same time, some human activities, including exercise, recreation, and education can be held here, which fosters social connections. Several oyster and seafood markets are located in the rough grassland for residents and tourists to buy. The freshness of the seafood can become an attractive point for the site, contributing to the development of the local economy and cultural integration with the outside world. 

Detailed section AA 1
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Detailed section AA 2

2. Detailed section AA 

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Detailed section CC 3

3. Detailed section CC

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Detailed section CC 3

Oyster farming --- Cage culture

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